27 March 2019

Year 25 Checklist

To make things easier for me this year, I intend to make a checklist (a bunch of yes-no questions) of what has happened to me in my silver (25th) year. This also serves as a reflection on which aspects I did perfectly well or horribly wrong.

Outlook mostly positive? YES
Felt any changes in personality? YES
Exerted effort to correct imperfections? YES
Are you a patient person? NO :(
Find ways to de-stress? YES
Had a "Me Time"? YES
Do you forgive to forget? NO :(
When in fault, do you apologize? YES
Pride and ego hurting others? YES :(
Faced fears and obstacles? YES

I am starting to look on the brighter side (a trait which my students got me affected) whenever "bad" things are happening. But I need to check on how I see myself, so that I can improve my persona.